Animal Law


Most often, local and state governments are charged with regulating animal welfare and policing how humans interact with our animal friends. When governments do prosecute violations of animal abuse and neglect laws, they usually work hand-in-hand with local shelters. These shelters are regularly asked to serve as custodians of abused animals while the courts resolve the related claims. The team at LLG has represented many animal shelters in seizure proceedings and has assisted them in navigating the myriad of issues and outcomes where multiple constituencies are impacted by the proceeding.

Our animal law team has extensive experience counseling shelters, breed rescues, individuals with animal law issues, and governmental actors on how to best approach the issues that arise when serving the needs of our furry (or scaly, feathered, or otherwise) friends.

It’s the sad reality that we live in an era of depressed public budgets and dwindling public and private donations, and the resultant growth in shelter consolidation. Laffey, Leitner & Goode LLC regularly counsels animal shelters and rescues on best practices and business transactions to help them face these modern challenges and continue their good work.

In partnership with universities, the Humane Society of the United States, district attorneys, and state regulatory bodies, our attorneys regularly speak and write on animal law topics at a state and national level in an effort to educate the multitudes affected by this nation’s animal welfare laws.

LLG maintains a dog-friendly work environment and practices what it preaches about animal companionship. Stop by our offices in the Third Ward and you’ll likely meet some of these guys: our more lovable associates.

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Practice Area News , Honors & Awards

Do Hunter-Harassment Laws Violate Freedom of Expression?
In DRI's September 2018 Young Lawyers Committee newsletter, LLG Associate Meredith Donaldson writes about hunter-harassment laws and how courts grapple with First Amendment issues.
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LLG Attorney and Her Dog are Instagram Trendsetters
Pictured above: Allie Laffey, @goudathepibble, and Samantha Riddle Allie Laffey and her rescue pit bull, Gouda were featured in a Journal Sentinel article this week. Click on this link to read all about it: Dogs are trend-setting on Instagram – and are getting paid for it
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LLG Attorneys Honored with ALDF Achievement Award
Jessica L. Farley, Mark M. Leitner, and Joseph S. Goode have been awarded the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s 2017 “Advancement in Animal Law Pro Bono Achievement Award.”
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