Constitutional Rights


When you are alone against the government – ANY government, federal, state, or local – it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Too often, citizens seeking to speak their minds are denied their rights to free speech, assembly, or association under the First Amendment by overzealous government officials.  In pursuit of their own agendas, public officials regularly deny citizens important due process rights to things as simple as fair notice and a hearing.  And on public university campuses, administrators routinely overstep their bounds under the Constitution, seeking to punish First Amendment-protected expression and forcing students accused of sexual misconduct into fundamentally unfair adjudication systems that fall far short of minimal due process protections.

LLG will stand with you to fight back and protect your rights. Our team of experienced constitutional rights lawyers have successfully challenged government actions, from persuading courts to hold statutes unconstitutional to overturning the results of illegal student disciplinary proceedings. We can help you avoid enforcement of unconstitutional laws and permits, and we can represent you in claims to hold the government responsible for trampling on your Constitutional rights. And the First Amendment experience of LLG’s team makes us the ideal choice for defending claims for defamation and invasion of privacy.

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Practice Area News , Honors & Awards

LLG Files Lawsuit Aimed at Disqualifying Johnson, Tiffany, and Fitzgerald from Fall Election Ballot
The suit lays out in painstaking detail the conspiracy and Johnson, Fitzgerald, and Tiffany’s roles in it.
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LLG Advocates for Wisconsin Voters in Wisconsin Supreme Court Redistricting Litigation
LLG’s brief presents an informed voter assessment of critical failings of SB-621
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LLG Files First Amendment Suit Against University of Wisconsin
LLG and the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed suit on behalf of whistleblower and UW alum Madeline Krasno against the University of Wisconsin for violations of Krasno’s First Amendment rights
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